Monday, April 14, 2008


Vegetable soup is the well know to the western people of Nigeria popularly know as Yoruba.
This vegetable soup which is been cook with different spice to add taste can be achieve through a variety of vegetables.

What is vegetable? It is a plant or part of plant used as food, typically as accompainment to meat or fish. There are about six types of vegetable in Yoruba language but two are mainly used for cooking. These two are Tete and Shoko vegetable.

Ingredient for cooking (4 serving)
Vegetable leaf (Shoko) enough quantity
Dried Fish
Meat or Fresh Fish
Red pepper
Onions (enough to taste)
Locust Beans
Palm oil

Cooking Method (Serving of 6)
Pluck and cut vegetable into desire shape and sizes.
If using meat, boil the meat with dry fish and add source to taste
Boil for about 3 minutes then wash and keep for later
Wash and chop pepper, onion to your desire.
Put cooking pot on Stove or Gas and allow the pot to dry then add Palm oil into cooking pot.
Allow oil to boil for about 2 minutes then slice onion and allow to stay about 1 minute
Then add your chopped pepper and onion alongwith locust beans, crayfish, the boiled meat and add source to taste.
Allow to cook for about 10 minutes then add the boiled / washed vegetable.
Still together.
Leave on fire to cook for about 10 minutes.

Hmmmmmm . ............... taste  real great, our vegetable is ready.

As an African person, you can use the Vegetable Soup to eat either Eba, Amala or Fufu (made from Cassava substance) or you can use it with Yam or Agidi (Agidi is made from Corn Maize)

I hope this recipient is helpful

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